This page documents an official ABC Wiki policy.
It is a widely accepted standard that should normally be followed by all editors. |
ABC Wiki covers all ABC shows ever made. We aim to provide an article per show to give a general overview of what the show is about, as well as being the gateway to the Fandom wiki entirely dedicated to that show. You will find these links at the bottom of the infobox and at the bottom of the page.
You can check out our layout guide for more information, but in short, these articles will include:
- an infobox detailing some important information
- an explanation of what the show it about
- a list of characters and the actors portraying them
- a list of the episode and/or seasons
- a short informative paragraph about the production of the show
- a gallery comprised of some promotional videos and images, ideally about the most recent release
- links to the Fandom wiki and the official ABC web page about the show